
Letter to you,

Dear 2010,
You have been one of the best years in my life.
You helped me grow up, realize who is important, and also bring me closer to myself.
Before you arrived I wasn't sure what path I was going, and what I wanted to do with my life.
But once you came you showed me things and gave me experiences that helped me find what I enjoy. You made me realize how close I am to my family and how strong of a mother I have. I know I do not need a guy to satisfy my needs but you did introduce me to a few that made my heart warm. I feel my relationship with god is more personal then it has ever been. And I know I have grown so much, Through everything I have been through I know it has only made me even more ready and meet and face 2011, If it wasn't for every smile,cry,laugh and frown you've given me... I know I wouldn't be ready so, thank you and goodbye!